Eligibility Criteria

  • Only Indian institutions with a registered office in India are eligible to apply for the Awards.
  • The participating institution must have completed and executed the initiative/project in their Indian operations.
  • The institution must have a minimum of 5 years of operations in India as of March 31, 2024
  • The institution must have at least one graduate or post-graduate class in India as of March 31, 2024
  • The initiative/project described in the Awards application should have been implemented between April 01, 2022, to March 31, 2024.
  • The initiative/project should have demonstrated a measurable impact in the higher education sector/institution during the period April 01, 2023, to March 31, 2024.
  • Participating institutions must primarily provide higher education services in India.
  • Participants can submit multiple application forms for the same or different categories, provided it is for a different initiative/project. However, if multiple forms are received for the same initiative/project, only one form will be considered. The Jury will decide which entry will be considered for the awards.
  • The initiative/project entered for the awards must have been implemented and not in the planning or conceptualizing stage.
  • An institution cannot participate on behalf of its sister units, parent institution, or other institutions under the parent institution.
  • The final eligibility of the participant will be subject to the discretion and approval of the Jury.

*These eligibility criteria’s are not applicable for the ‘Visionary Idea’ category


  • The Jury may modify the eligibility criteria from time to time with retrospective effect
  • The Jury holds the right to disqualify any application which does not meet the eligibility criteria without assigning any reason whatsoever